Hi, I am Morg, the main creator of this website. Thanks for dropping by.
This website contains an opinionated list of games for Japanese learners to immerse with for the purpose of studying Japanese (and to have fun).
It is completely open source and hosted on Github for everyone to tinker with. I am not a web developer, and the layout of the website shows. If you find problems or want to contribute some fixes, please feel free to send me a pull request.
The reason for creating this website is because I play a lot of videogames in my spare time, and I have also learned Japanese mostly from playing videogames. I thought I could contribute back to the community by having a list of games with my own notes about my own personal experience with them. For this reason, this list is opinionated. It is not meant to be an objective representation, there are many other websites that do a much better job at that. It's just how I approached these games and how I felt when I played them. If you want to add new games to this list, you can try sending me a patch, the data is pretty straightforward to edit and generate, but I cannot guarantee I will accept it unless I agree with the contents from my own experience. Please understand it is a "me" thing.
If you have questions or want to know more, please take a look at the FAQ page where there are more in-depth explanations on the rating system and how the site works.